Manage all your products in one place.

Obvıous maximizes your product’s lifetime with a streamlined device management platform and the ability to monetize firmware features.

  • obvous. feature switches
    A master switch for feature management.
    Decide which features you want available for your devices. At the flip of a switch, obvıous allows after-sale features to be purchased or enabled by default.
  • obvous. device visibiltiy and settings
    Full visibility across all devices.
    To check which features are activated on a particular device, or change the status of a certain feature, simply select the device by its serial number and obtain immediate insight.
  • obvous. device firmare and groups
    Manage your release processes.
    Ensure you don’t accidentally release development firmware to live products. With groups, we help you clearly distinguish between the firmware versions associated with each of your devices.
  • obvous. firmware workspace
    Declutter your workspace.
    Every firmware version added to obvıous is backed up to our secure server, along with your release notes and dependencies, allowing your team to spend less time managing files and more time adding value to your product.
  • obvous catalog item
    Create your catalogue.
    Whether you wish to charge for features individually or packaged together, as a one-time payment or a subscription, obvıous gives you the freedom to decide how you want to offer additional functionality to your customers.
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